
We are always in need of volunteers.  We try very hard to match your skills with opportunities.  We appreciate you whether you have the time to volunteer consistently or for special projects.  

How To Become a volunteer

Board of Directors

Serve as a member of the governing body of volunteers that works in collaboration with Safe Haven staff to ensure the overall success of the organization. Board Members volunteer approximately 5 hours per month. For additional information please contact Executive Director, Mindy Lohff at: director@shawanoshelter.org or 715-524-6760.

Special Events Committee

Serve as a member of our Special Events/Fundraising Committee. Work with Safe Haven staff to help plan our Special Events and our annual fundraisers. This includes, but is not limited to, brainstorming ideas, poster runs, securing participants, follow up with information and participating the day of the event. Your time commitment will be determined by the event or fundraiser.

Office Support

Volunteers can assist with answering the door and crisis line; folding newsletters, making copies, writing thank you notes or assisting with other office projects.

Childcare Provider

Volunteers would be providing childcare for the children too young to benefit from group participation. It would be supervising the children while the Children’s Advocate facilitates group with the older children.

Maintenance or General Laborer

Do yard work, shelter maintenance, painting, handyman projects, scheduled cleaning of appliances, etc.

Donation Assistant

Sort donations and stock the clothing closet. Keep the clothing area organized and prepare furniture for client give-a-way. Vacuum furniture and wash down the furnishings to ready for clients.

Language Interpreters

Assist Safe Haven staff in assessing the needs of those clients that cannot speak English by helping with interpretation. These volunteers make it possible for many of our clients to use and benefit from Safe Haven’s services.

Special Projects

Throughout the year, Safe Haven offers special programs and events. We are always looking for volunteers to assist with October DV Awareness Month or April Sexual Assault Month. These projects vary in length and could be done at home, such as pinning purple ribbons for the parade or taping suckers to our awareness flyers. Call us for more information.


Assist with moving donated furniture to the shelter or moving furniture for residents when they are leaving the shelter and moving into their new homes. This often times can be a huge burden for the client who does not have family in the area. Trucks and vans or trailers are always helpful to the clients.

Groups Volunteer

IMPACT Group – Wednesday morning, 9:30 – 11:00 am Women Working it Out Support Group – Tuesday morning, 9:30 am – 10:30 am Women/Children’s Support Group: Thursday evening, Supper 5:00 pm Group 6:00pm – 7:00pm

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